
dario follows Dario, a mute orphan, as he and his brother Jack find community in a forested, utopian orphan commune. Dario is friendly to nobody but Jack, and has become an other in the world. when dario gets caught stealing, jack and dario escape into the forest where the come across a commune, "the home," an utopian village of other orphaned children. for the first time, the boys find community and while Jack wholeheartedly accepts the commune and the other children, dario is much more hesitant. it is only through situations wrought from the outcomes of community, as well as the constant threat of police and Child protection services, that Dario finds his own voice, both figuratively and literally. 

Premiered at the Cameo Cinema in St. Helena, California in 2012. 
Winner — Audience Choice at Sonscreen 2013. 

"2013 Award Winners" — Sonscreen
"Civil War Drama, Utopian Story about Children: Best Adventist Cinema of 2013" — Adventist Today
"Senior Film and Television major on set" — Campus Chronicle, May 2012 print issue cover story
"PUC Film Instructor Wins $10,000 from SONscreen Film Festival Pitchfest" — Pacific Union College

Director, Writer, Editor — Peter Han
Producers — Maya Rutledge, Peter Han
Executive Producer— James Han
Assistant Director — Cameron Crabtree
Production Sound Mixers — Stephen Lutes, Josh Lucas
Key Grips — Brandon Olds, Kingsley Pascal
Set Designers — Enid Kagale, Allison Musvosvi 
On-set Teacher — Amanda Katz
Make-up Artist — Natalie Robles
Grips/Gaffers — Kalle Pascal, Chris Vance, Jacquie Robinson, Connor Donnelly, Zach Josse, Halstyn Hart, Raphael Jimenez

Dario — Chris Russell
Jack — Andrew Bussell
Jenny — Georgia Anders
Max — Caleb Granados
Storeowner — Rodney Vance
Schoolgirl — Jazzalynn Philpott
Cop #1 — Nathan Miller
Cop #2 — Tracee Oles Beebe
Agent #1 — Justin William
Agent #2 — Robert Henry
Villagers — Mia Pelosi, Ethan Davis, Vanessa Wallin, Benjamin Maia, Talluhah Anders, Jonah Anders, Claire Bussell, Nathan Bussell, James Han, Lydia Granados, Christine Andrianarijaona, Andrew Russell, Luke Decena, Zoey Pratt, Indiana Pratt

With music by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes, Chris Feldbush, The Talismanz, and Aaron Marshall. 

23 minutes, 1080p, shot on Canon 5D Mark II